Unlocking the Secrets of Millets: A Guide to Year-Round Consumption, Health Benefits, and Nutritional Cooking Tips

Unlocking the Secrets of Millets: A Guide to Year-Round Consumption, Health Benefits, and Nutritional Cooking Tips

Mar 19, 2024

Credit to Dr. Khader Vali and Dr. Sarala and team of Millet Magic. Please subscribe


    • Myth on Millets and Heat: It's a common misconception that millets should only be consumed in winter due to their heat-producing nature. However, this is not true; millets can be a staple food for all seasons. The key is in proper preparation, including soaking the millets to hydrate their fiber, which prevents the feeling of heat in the body after consumption. Soaking also ensures the millets do not dehydrate the body or cause discomfort.

  • Multigrain Mixes Misconception: Dr. Sarala advises against using multigrain mixes due to their diminished nutritional value and healing properties. Each grain has unique benefits targeted towards healing different parts of the body, and mixing them dilutes these effects. She recommends consuming single-grain meals to fully harness each grain's healing potential.

  • Understanding Millets: Millets are categorized into major and minor groups based on their grain size, with each having specific health benefits. Major millets like ragi (finger millet) and bajra (pearl millet) are easily available and beneficial for healthy individuals. Minor millets, which are high in fiber, are particularly recommended for people with health issues like diabetes or thyroid problems as they help in managing these conditions.

  • Millets and Thyroid: Contrary to myths suggesting millets worsen thyroid conditions, millets, especially minor millets, can actually help in managing and healing thyroid issues. Proper consumption of these grains supports hormonal balance and helps in addressing thyroid-related problems.

  • Cold Pressed and Bull-driven Oils: The video discusses the benefits of using cold-pressed oils over refined oils due to their superior nutritional value. However, bull-driven (traditional method) oils are considered the best for health. These oils retain their natural properties and do not undergo the negative effects of high temperature and pressure processing, making them ideal for a healthy diet.