Shankar the Bull: The Patient Oil Maker

Shankar the Bull: The Patient Oil Maker

Sep 21, 2024

Once upon a time, there was a strong and friendly bull named Shankar. He lived on a small farm with his farmer friend, Narayana. Shankar was not like other bulls. He loved to learn new things and help out around the farm.
One day, Narayana showed Shankar an old wooden machine. It had a big stick that went round and round. Narayana told Shankar, "This is a ghani. It can make oil from seeds, but it needs someone strong to push it."

Shankar's eyes lit up. He asked, "Can I try it, Narayana? I want to help make oil!"
Narayana smiled and said, "Of course, Shankar! You're just the right bull for the job."

So, Shankar started to push the big stick. He walked in circles, nice and slow. As he pushed, seeds were crushed inside the ghani. Soon, a golden oil began to drip out.
Shankar felt proud. He was making something special. The oil smelled fresh and nutty. Narayana patted Shankar and said, "Great job, buddy! This oil is pure and healthy because you pushed so gently."
From that day on, Shankar helped make oil every day. He liked knowing that his work made good food for people. And Narayana was happy to have such a helpful friend on the farm.
Shankar learned that sometimes, doing things slowly and carefully can make the best results. He felt lucky to have found a job that was just right for a curious and hardworking bull like him.
Every morning, Shankar would wake up excited for his daily task. He and Narayana would start their day by making fresh, healthy oil for their village. Shankar's gentle strength and patience made him perfect for this important job, and he took pride in doing it well day after day.